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Do you know what varicose veins are? If you don't, then have you heard of spider veins? Varicose veins, also known as spider veins, are the enlarged, swollen veins that appear close to the surface of the skin. The veins usually appear on the calves and are purple or dark blue in color. However, any veins in your body can become varicose.


Most of the time, varicose veins form on the calves when you stand for a long time. To stay alive, the blood has to circulate around your body. However, sometimes some anomalies can make the blood not be circulated as required. For example, the blood can go to the legs and pool there instead of going back to the heart. The pooling of the blood usually happens due to malfunctioning of various valves.


When blood pools at the legs, it exerts pressure on the veins. In turn, the veins start swelling and become varicose.


Are Varicose Veins Serious?

Most people are worried about the effects of spider veins. However, in most cases, the veins only have a cosmetic concern. When you have the veins, you will not feel comfortable walking at the beach showing your legs. If you want to learn more about vein treatments, you can visit


Sometimes, varicose veins can lead to pain. If you are suffering from the condition, you may feel a tingle of pain on the calves as you are walking. In some rare cases, spider veins can lead to leg ulcers. Generally, spider veins are a symptom of an underlying problem with your body circulatory system, click here to know more!


Causes of Spider Veins

You should find out what causes varicose veins before seeking treatment. This is because sometimes you do not need any medical treatment. Making some changes in your life can reduce the occurrence of the veins. The good news is that most of the steps you need to take to stop spider veins can be done without a lot of effort.


For example, one of the causes of varicose veins is standing or sitting in the same position for a long time. If your career demands that you sit or stand of a long time, take some time to stretch. By stretching, you will prevent blood from pooling at the feet and causing spider veins.


Other lifestyle issues that cause varicose veins include being overweight, using medications that contain estrogen, and pregnancy.  If you are overweight, start engaging in exercises to reduce your weight.  If you are pregnant, ask the doctor not to prescribe medication that contain estrogen, visit for information for more info!

What You Should Know About Spider Veins

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